Professional Development

We Have You Covered!

Kurzweil Education is committed to the success of our users. Professional development is key to successful technology integration. We can provide educators with the knowledge and support to effectively integrate our products into their instructional strategies, extend their reach in the classroom, and meet a wide variety of learning needs.

Our Customer Success Services focus on much more than just showing you product features. We will show you how to incorporate our software into your lesson plans, enhance your core curriculum through technology, differentiate instruction, and share proven ways to facilitate independent, scaffolded learning for students with diverse needs through whole class, small group, or individual instruction.

Our products can be a powerful component in a universally designed classroom by supporting a wide range of students who struggle in reading, writing, math, study strategies, vocabulary development, research, and test-taking. When fully implemented, our programs can make a tremendous difference by helping ALL students achieve.

Our Customer Success Services team includes educators who are experts in literacy, universal design, assistive technology, and educational technology integration.

We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs including:

For more information about our Customer Success Services offerings, please see our Customer Success Services brochure

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