software for the classroom
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Backed by 30 years of research and a history of developing resources for learners who struggle with physical and cognitive challenges, Kurzweil Educational Systems™ integrates the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to build life-changing products. Kurzweil 3000® is Text-to-Speech software that reads text from any digital and print formats aloud to students. It also provides writing, organization and study skills support to assist all levels of learners within the classroom. Our goal is to provide every student with the opportunity for academic achievement and success.

Kurzweil 3000 provides:

  • Support for various levels of learners as well as the multi-tiered classroom.
  • A fully integrated set of tools designed to support the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
  • Support for all Response to Intervention (RtI) tiers of instruction.
  • A multi-sensory approach that enables different learning styles.
  • Access to any major digital file formats, online text and printed materials.
  • Reading tools: dictionaries, language translator, and more.
  • Writing tools: auditory word processor and spell check, word prediction, brainstorming, outlining tool.
  • Study Skills tools: multiple highlighter options, sticky notes.
  • Adaptable features for college, personal and business use, for lifetime learning.

For more information, contact our sales team.

Learn how Blake Middle School from Medfield, MA uses Kurzweil 3000 in the classroom.

Learn how Blake Middle School uses Kurzweil 3000
"Kurzweil 3000 has been great at reaching the different profiles of students; some enjoy the visual, others thrive using the auditory support. Kurzweil 3000 can really meet the needs of the high achieving to the struggling student."

-- Steven G. Middle School Teacher

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