Applying UDL Principles in the Classroom
It's impossible to predict what combination of strengths and weaknesses any particular student
will possess, so materials in the classroom need to be flexible to accommodate students with wide
differences in how they access, process or interpret information.
Two particular challenges help to make the case for the use of new technologies in the classroom
to ensure academic achievement for all students:
- Text-based materials that dominate the classroom present information in a single format,
which has proven to be limiting for many students
- Test taking where students are often measured on comprehending the instructions instead of
showcasing the knowledge they have acquired
Rather than creating special accommodations for struggling students as an afterthought,
Universal Design for Learning encourages educators to seek out tools that students of all
abilities can use.
Letting students use these tools to learn and take the same tests as their peers allows
them to become truly independent and confident learners.